Meet Brett

Uhrichsville City Law Director and Prosecutor, Brett Hillyer has lived in Ohio all his life. Born and raised in Uhrichsville, Brett learned from an early age the importance of fairness and leadership. Hillyer’s family have lived in Eastern Ohio for over 200 years.
Attorney Hillyer earned his Bachelor’s Degree in accounting from the University of Akron and his Juris Doctor Degree from Ohio Northern University. Brett Hillyer began private practice in 2011 at the Law Firm of Connolly, Hillyer & Ong. In 2016, Attorney Hillyer became an Agent for Ohio Bar Title and Commonwealth Title.
In 2013, Attorney Hillyer was elected Uhrichsville City Law Director & Prosecutor. As Law Director, Hillyer managed Tuscarawas County’s only functioning land bank by working closely with County Prosecutor Ryan Styer & Attorney Robert Stephenson. The Land Bank has successfully acquired and sold abandoned properties and salvaged blighted properties to raise property values and clean up neighborhoods with minimal costs to taxpayers.
In addition to his service to Uhrichsville, Hillyer advises the Villages of West Lafayette, Freeport, and Roswell. Hillyer further lends his time to the Dennison Rotary, The Tuscarawas County Business Factory, and the Uhrichsville Clay Museum.
Attorney Hillyer is engaged to Anna Martinelli of New Philadelphia. In his free time, Hillyer is a waterfowl hunter, pheasant hunter and avid fisherman.
Healthcare costs are skyrocketing out of control – with no end in sight. It’s a crisis. And it’s costing families too much and causing too many to skip needed care. Brett Hillyer believes we must improve healthcare transparency and reduce red tape to bring costs under control.
As a small business owner, Brett Hillyer knows firsthand the challenges Ohio businesses face – and the impact red tape can have on jobs. He will cut excessive government regulations and invest in infrastructure and job training to help keep jobs here in our community and bring Ohio jobs home.
Our part of Ohio has lost too many jobs. Brett Hillyer believes it’s time to bring those jobs home. He will work to cut excessive government regulations and invest in infrastructure and job training to help keep and create jobs. And local farmers trust Brett Hillyer to be a voice for them to help keep agriculture strong.
Brett Hillyer will fight to make sure our local schools receive their fair share of the state budget, to reduce reliance on local property taxes. He supports local control of our schools, including cutting unfunded mandates and excessive testing so teachers can teach and students can learn.
Working as a city prosecutor, Brett Hillyer has seen the impact Ohio’s drug epidemic has had on our community and local families. As our next state representative, Brett Hillyer will work with law enforcement, first responders and medical professionals to develop comprehensive solutions to the drug epidemic, with tougher penalties for drug dealers and better support for those impacted by addiction.
Our rights and our way of life are under attack like never before. Brett Hillyer is an avid outdoorsman and constitutional conservative who will defend our freedoms, including our 2nd Amendment rights, 100 percent of the time.
Brett and his wife, Anna, believe in the sanctity of innocent human life, God’s most precious gift. Brett Hillyer will always work to protect life and promote adoption.
Contact Brett
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